
How 100+ Women Who Care Southern Maine Works

Each member must commit to donating $50 per meeting ($200 per year) directly to the non-profits. Members are welcome to donate more than $50 per meeting if they like.

The donations will be given to Southern Maine area charities/non-profits serving the Southern Maine area only; no national charities will be considered unless they have a local branch in Southern Maine. The purpose is for the contribution to stay 100% in the community. Charities/non-profits must have been a 501c3 for at least 2 years.

Each charity/non-profit that is under consideration will be given five minutes to make a presentation at the meeting by the member of the 100+ Women Who Care who nominated them, not by the charity/non-profit (please, no PowerPoint presentations or videos).

The goal is to have three charities/non-profits nominated and presented by members at each meeting. The group will vote by ballot, tallied at the meeting, and majority rules. Although it may not be your first choice, you are still obligated to donate.

Charities/Non-profits who present, but are not chosen, will be eligible to be renominated in 2 years. Those who present, and are chosen, will be eligible to be renominated in 5 years. Charities/non-profits may only present twice (regardless of result).

For your tax purposes, all checks will be made out to the chosen organization. If you are unable to attend, please give your check to a member to deliver on your behalf. (They will not be able to cast a vote for you, however.) Donation by credit card is possible through our group on Grapevine.

The charity/non-profit must agree to NOT use the donors’ names for future solicitations or give the information out to the public. If the charity/non-profit does not adhere to this condition, they will be removed from any future consideration.

Click here to watch a short video about how 100+ Women Who Care works*:

*The quarterly donation for the Southern Maine group is $50.


If you have questions about our group, contact founder Deb Bergeron, 207-232-0488 or email deb100Women@gmail.com.
Connect with us on Facebook or Instagram.